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Telecom Audit  Columbus | Telecommunications Audits | Telecom Cost Management

Telecom Audit Columbus  | Telecom Auditing  - No Upfront Charges

We are the industry leader in telecom audits and telecom cost management.
Call 614.600.5750 for a telecom audit consultation in the Columbus area.

A telecom audit is such an effective way to reduce your expenses long term. We know you and your team work hard to keep expenses in-line and services at peak performance. In today’s expanding world of telecom services, that can be a challenging task to say the least.  This is why a thorough contingency based telecom audit is so valuable. In today's economy, every dollar in profit matters. You simply can’t afford unnecessary waste of any kind. Our telecom expense management services keenly highlight waste and overcharging where ever it may be hiding. We partner with companies in Columbus and throughout Ohio, offering them significant savings with an all-inclusive telecom audit. 

Telecommunications expenditures can mount to critical levels if left unchecked and unmonitored.  Our consultants carefully balance your needs and usage against your budget and expenses. Our goal is to find that sweet-spot that allows you to have optimum services at the lowest cost possible. Our telecom audits are the ideal place to start this process.

At Global Solutions Inc, we know how to get your telecom expenses lowered long term.  Our process is so well organized that you will barely notice that a telecom audit is even being conducted. Don’t let the tide of rising communications expenses trample on your profits.  Our certified telecom auditors have experience in working with the myriad of phone bills, formats, and vaguely discernible charges that are common occurrences on phone bills. We also utilize state of the art software with our telecom audit services. Give us a call today!

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Telecom Audit Columbus | Telecommunications Audits | Telecom Auditing

Telecom bills are routinely full of errors and inconsistencies, that if left unchecked can cost your company thousands of dollars. Our thorough telecom auditing is effective in cutting your costs, while bolstering your profits. We are a leader in telecom cost management in Columbus, as well as the state of Ohio.

An “audit” includes any telecommunications audit and wireless services audit.  Typically for most clients this includes:  local service, long distance, toll free, wireless, teleconferencing, web conferencing, and data services. Our telecom audit will also include charges for telephone and equipment maintenance. Our telecom consultants review your telecom bills for errors and report back with savings and refund opportunities.  Upon approvals, GSI then implements and validates savings.  Our telecom audit services are provided on a contingency basis. There are no up front fees or charges.  Business is earned by finding you savings.  We specialize in comprehensive telecom auditing .

Contact Our Columbus Office at 614.600.5750 for More Information.

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